A Probe Line: A Lesson in Avalanche Safety Cast of Characters 1. Avalanche Rescue Leader, played by Steppo 2. Line Coach, played by Bobbie Foster 3. Prober#1, played by T. Sleckman 4. Prober#2, , played by Bo Barnes 5. Prober#3 Spirit, played by David Delfiner 6. Cheery Kids played by Anne Cassidy & Jay . Props: 6+ beacons; 6+ adjustable poles; lycra polypro atire). Opening Setting: A dim stage - a line of probers Line Coach (Bobbie): "Probe up, probe down, step forward...." Avalanche Rescue Leader (Steppo): (Rushes onstage). Hey, everybody - this just in over the wire. Major avalanche at Boreal Speedway. Victims include 2 snowboarders, their drugdealer, and a taco vendor. Apparently a low-flying airforce jet was doing loop-d-loops around the chair lift cable, and triggered a major slide with its sonic boom. So....This is an open call for a probe line, and I'm only taking 6 probers. Light shines on prober#1. Sleckman squints forward. Avalanche Rescue Leader: Done any broadway snows? Sleckman: Un-un Avalanche Rescue Leader: First audition? Sleckman: Yep Rescue Leader: You seem to have some experience with that probe. Where did you stick it before? Sleckman: Well, I took OUÕs avalanche rescue workshop with Jeff Petersen back in Ō88. I also did a lot of probing around Jacksons Hole......Wyo-ming..sort of ..."on my own". Rescue Leader: You're in. (Sleckman reacts with joy - "Yes") Rescue Leader: LetÕs see..... Ok, probers number 1, 4, and 9; you are excused. Yes, I know it's a dissappointment, but we're looking for certain types. Try CalAdventures ( 3 probers exit stage right) You there . whatÕs your story. Barnes: I can remember the night like it was yesterday. It was back in 91. I was taking "Beacon in the Sand" with Steve Doxey. I was probing with Anne Cassidy. The moon was full...warm sea breezes...you get the picture. Rescue Leader: Ok...so....go on... Barnes: Well...uh....I couldnÕt get my beacon up. (Falls to knees) Heck, I REALLY needs this probe. Rescue Leader: To Line Coach. Well, Bobbie, what do you think - kind of a hard luck case. Line Coach: But he's got something - a kind of vulnerability. HeÕs put alot of energy into OU over the years, and has attracted alot of females into the organization. I think he'll grow into a really enthusiastic prober. Rescue Leader: OK. We'll give you a try. (Barnes reacts with eager "Arrugah") Rescue Leader. To Spirit. Well, I never expected to see you trying out for my probe line. You know I still keep the side of the bed empty for you hoping you'll come back. Spirit: woof-woof. Rescue Leader: Let me tell you the story of a young parking lot magnate, who threw away a life of power and leisure to liver in a modest house in the Haight-Ashbury, and hunt for mushrooms on the weekends. That man was me....Spirit!!! Come home!!! Spirit: woof-woof. Rescue Leader: What do you mean: Get Lost Beanhead. Spirit: woof-woof. Rescue Leader: We were a team, we had it all... Spirit: woof-woof. Rescue Leader: Ok, if that's how you feel, I'll give you no special treatment. You have to make it on your own like these low-rent floosies. You'll see what it's like to beg and heel. Rescue Leader: What are the 3 forms of metamorphisis? Spirit: WoofÉYelpÉGrrrr Rescue Leader: Yes, granular!! What noises do you listen for, to tell that a slope is about to slide? Spirit: Whumph Rescue Leader: (smirking) Still the stubborn bitch. I can't say no - you've earned a spot on my probe line. "Light shines on Cheery Couple for siloquey" Hopeful Couple (Jay & Anne) - Jay: Gee I hope we make it - we're two perkey OU volunteers - we put in at least a hundred hours a week. We fix rafts with our teeth. And we drive 4 wheel drive Subarus Outbacks - Anne: We can't miss we love snow business) [Expand exchange with CHEERY COUPLE - ONE STAYS; ON GOES] Rescue Leader: Now, Bobbie, your Line Coach, will walk you thru the steps. (Music) Line Coach; (breathily) Thanks, Step-po. This will be easy. Now, I want everyone to start out with a hastey search, Probe up, step forward, probe down, step forward... Wonderful, Everyone doing so well. Rescue Leader: Ok, Let's try the song. Here's your sheet music. (hands out sheets) Listen for the beat. 5-6-7-8 (Piano comes in.....) SONG ONE slim chance in a hundred You would make it out alive ONE small piece of equipment Can make sure you survive You know your avalanche beacon Is your best friend Your buddies can detect the signals that It can send Just loosen up your backpack Loosen up your ski bindings Float, swim amid the debris Oh! How you do that thing! Remember that personal safety Is number ONE The second consideration is Having fun. Wooooo...hhhyyyy.nooot Rescue Leader: Ok, probers. LetÕs get those stiffs. (Exit Stage Right with yeee-haaa cheer and poles extended)